Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunrise Light

Evenings Light


Light:(noun), the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible, a source of illumination, understanding of a problem or mystery; enlightenment. (Verb), come upon or discover by chance.
I am struck by how similar my photographic process is with my role as a therapist. In my photographic search, I am always looking for the beauty that light "makes visible".  I literally "discover by chance" or design an image that catches me emotionally, and I focus my eye and my camera on it, clicking the shutter instantaneously. I focus on the light, the shadows and the subject that is revealed. 
So, too, with my private therapy practice, where I have the privilege to sit with those who are looking to understand a problem or a mystery in their lives, find some enlightenment and some relief.  In our work together, hopefully, we "come upon" a solution, an answer, and they are able to move forward, to "see the light" of a new way of looking at something that used to block their path to the life they want. Both experiences are enlightening and for that, I have gratitude. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Disappearing Phone Booth


Change: (verb), to make or become different, transform, arrive at a fresh place, become new. (Noun), the act of making or becoming different. 

Change is part of the California culture; its environments, buildings and people have rarely left monuments or moments of any lasting presence. As a Californian, I am inspired to photograph the remnants of those disappearing icons and notice the transformation of the land and its peoples symbols. I am drawn to photographing the ghosts in our cultural past and in the landscapes around me.  I love California, electric with possibilities, alive with opportunities, sometimes choked by its own ambitions, but always dynamic. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

Antioch Fiberboard Factory

Sam and I went to Antioch, California the other day,  exploring the town while waiting for an appointment with our accountant. We came across this abandoned factory.  He said that when he was in school, this was the place all young men aspired to work after high school, hoping to get a steady job, get married, have a life.  If he had chosen that, which he didn't for a myriad of reasons, his life, and eventually mine, would have been completely different. These photographs are beautiful to me in their own wabi-sabi way, but also as a symbol of Sam's courage to find beauty in his road less traveled. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Beginning

This is my first experience with a blog, but one I'm looking forward to. I am getting my inspiration from my sister-in-law Nancy, (Hi Nancy) and my friend Christy ( who both have interesting and informative blogs. In Christy's blog on February 19th entitled, "Introvert and Extrovert and Social Networking" she suggests to us "introverted feeling types" to create a facebook, and a blog. I have a facebook, so this is my next venture. I want to be able to share my photographs, thoughts and feelings in this space. 
I just got back from a trip to LA to visit my son for his birthday. One day we went to the Getty Museum to see the Carleton Watkins photography exhibit, Dialogue Among Giants. This is a photograph I took while I was there.

The Beginning